Cave User Interactions

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Cards are the rectangular widgets in the UI. There are three types of cards:

Load a data set with button cards.
Change volume size with dial card.
Change volume thickness (nonuniform change of size).
Move volume: intersect with pointer, click and hold left wand button, and move wand: data set moves as if stuck on a skewer.
Volume pop-up menu: intersect volume and right-click wand to show menu.
Activate region of interest (ROI) mode: in volume pop-up click on ROI card.
ROI mode: intersect ROI box with pointer, click and hold left wand button to drag box, twist to change ROI box size.
Activate clipping plane mode: in volume pop-up click on Clip card.
Clipping plane mode: intersect clipping plane with pointer, left-click on wand and hold to move plane.
When another volume is loaded from the file browser, the previous data sets remain. User can load as many data sets as graphics memory allows.
Pointer check box card (bottom left on left cave wall) activates pointer mode: red sphere at pointer tip can be used to point to features. Pointer length can be adjusted with Length dial.
Color button switches through several pre-set color schemes (works only for single channel data sets).
Pos and Slope cards change opacity transfer function.
G-red, G-green, and G-blue cards change gamma values.
Red channel set to higher gamma value.
no image availableWidget snarfing: after a dial has been used, the user can change the dial value without pointing at the dial again by right-clicking while the pointer doesn't intersect anything.
no image availableMake screen shot: a left-click on the wand while the wand is within a 1 foot radius from center of eyes creates a screen-shot of front wall and saves it as a TIF file. No visual feedback is given but a text message at the bottom of the left wall.
no image availableRotate data set: by pushing the trackball on the wand the currently selected volume rotates about its center.