Circuits and Systems Spring 2019





Steady-state circuit analysis, sinusoidal excitation, phasor method, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, time

domain analysis, impulse response, convolution, sampling and modulation.

Prerequisites: Math. 20A-B-C, ECE 15, and ECE 35.

Class times and location (Spring 2019):


Tu Th 5:00-6:20p CENTR 113


Fri 12:00p-12:50p PCYNH 122,

Wed 5:00-5:50 WLH


MT1 May 2 (Thurs of week 5)

MT2 May 30 (Thurs of week 9)

Final: (Thurs) 06/13/2019 7:00p -9:59p Location TBA

Office Hours:

Prof. Franceschetti OH: After class or by appointment ATK4302

Teaching Assistant JJ Kadifa

OH: Wed 12:45:-2:45


TA Location: Jacobs Hall 4506

Teaching Assistant Aditi Jain

OH: Fri 2:00-4:00


TA location: Jacobs hall 5101a

There will be extra office hours before the final on Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 in JACOBS 5101C

ECE tutoring center available for additional help Jacobs Hall 5101 M-F 10am-6pm

Class Organization and Grading:

There will be two Midterms and one Final plus homework assignments.

Class grade is: 0% Homeworks (however, see risk of penalty below), 25% each Midterm 50% final.

However, if either or both of your midterms exam brings down your weighted grade, then it (or they) will be ignored (this includes if you do not take either midterm exam for any reason whatsoever). In such cases, the weighting of the ignored midterm exam(s) will be added to the weight of the final exam.

Average letter grades will be in the B/B- range, as per ECE Department policy.

Exam Policy: For both the Midterm Exams and Final Exam you will be allowed to bring one sheet

of 8.5 inch x 11.0 inch of paper with notes on it (writing on both sides is ok)

that you may use during the exam.  You may write anything on the two sides of

the paper that can help you during the exam.  You may not have any attachments

to the paper with tape, Post-It notes, etc.  Other than this one sheet of

paper, no other notes, books, electronic devices (e.g. calculators, computers,

I-pods, phones, etc) are allowed during the exam.  Do not bring blank scratch

paper - there will be plenty of paper on the exam to work out problems.  This

class does not stress memorizing formulas, but rather understanding how to

solve problems in probability from basic principles.

Homework Policy: The class uses a check your own homework policy. All attempted solutions must be submitted by the deadline otherwise you will be penalized up to 10% of the final grade. After submitting your homework you should check the posted solutions and if you have questions discuss them with the TA. All programming assignments should be completed by the deadline otherwise you will be penalized by 10% of the final grade.

Labs: The class does not have formal labs, but the homeworks will contain some programming assignments to be done using MATLAB. These practical problems are designed to gain a deeper understanding of the theory in a practical setting.

Study Material: Lecture notes are posted on-line. A good resource for additional material is the wikibook on signals and systems We also maintain a blog with lecture topics and pointers to additional material in the announcements section of the website.

Additional  material and problems can be found in the classic book “Signals and Systems” by Oppenheim and Willsky. Sample copies of past exams with solutions are posted on line. In addition to homeworks you are advised to attempt additional problems from any signals book. We keep an agenda of the material covered and possible problem sets on-line. Some old exams can be found in the handout section. Additional old exams of various UCSD professors are posted here