Heat Transfer

Winter Quarter 2008


This is the homepage for CENG101B during Winter Quarter 2008. Last updated: June 17, 2008.


Please make sure the e-mail address UCSD has on file for you is correct. I may end up giving out crucial information via e-mail, so if your e-mail does not work you may miss this crucial information. The following addresses have problems:
<t0ho@ieng9.ucsd.edu>: mailbox full
<jsolorza@iacs5.ucsd.edu>: mailbox full


Lectures: MWF 11:00-11:50 am, Cognitive Sciences Building 004. Fourth hour: W 1:00-1:50 pm, Cognitive Sciences Building 004. Office hours: Tu 2:00-3:00 pm; e-mail: sgls@ucsd.edu. TA: Jaemo Park, e-mail: jaemopark@ucsd.edu. Office hours/problem class: M 6:00-7:00 pm and W 3:00-4:00 pm, EBUII 305.


An Introduction to Heat and Mass Transfer by Stanley Middleman, Wiley. I have placed a copy on reserve at the S&E Library. Errata.


Lecture Schedule (provisional)


Homework policy: you may discuss problems amongst yourselves, but you should write up what you hand in.
Here are guidelines (some of which should be obvious, I hope):


There will be five hourly exams are closed book, no notes. Bring pencil and calculator to all exams.


The final will be on Monday March 17, 11:30 am-2:30 pm. Closed book, one letter paper sheet of notes that you have prepared. A make-up exam will only be provided for medical reasons with proper documentation from a physician. The final will cover the material lectured during the course. Equations you should know.

Grading policy

Method A: Curve based on: homework 10%, 4 best of 5 exams 40%, final 50%.

Method B: Absolute scale based on final: A > 80%, B > 70%, C > 55%, D > 40%.

Your grade will be computed by methods A and B and you will receive the higher of the two. I may rescale the different components (homework, quizzes, final) separately to arrive at the final grade.


I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic dishonesty.