Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Winter Quarter 2002


This is the homepage for MAE101A during the Winter Quarter 2002. Last updated: Apr 16, 2002.


Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:05-9:55 am in Center Hall 212. Friday 8:00 am in Center Hall 212: discussion section or lectures. Professor's office hours: Mondays 10-11 am and Wednesdays 10-11 am in EBU II 574. The TA is Aravind Murthy (, office hours Mondays 11 am-1 pm in EBU II 105. The reader is Taryn Catlin.

Required text

Fox and McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. 5th Edition, Wiley, 1998.

You may find the CD Rom Multi-media fluid mechanics resource by G.M. Homsy et al. interesting. I have placed it on reserve at the S&E library (call number YED 30). I have asked for a 24 hour checkout period, so you can take use it on a machine outside the library if you don't have a laptop with you. Please don't be selfish with it.


Lecture Schedule and Notes


The homeworks will be worth 20% of the final grade; the lowest homework grade will be discarded. Homeworks will be handed out on Friday, should be handed in the following Friday, and will be returned the Friday after. NO late homework will be accepted. Homework policy: you may discuss problems among yourselves, but what you hand in should be your own work. Copying from other people or from other sources is not allowed. I will monitor this and take action if necessary. After feedback from Taryn, here are guidelines (some of which should be obvious, I hope):


There will be one midterm on February 13, covering all the material up to and including the lecture on February 8. The midterm will be worth 30% of the final grade. Average: 68. Solution.


The final will count for 50% of the final grade. It will cover all the material lectured during the course. Average: 49. Solution. You may come and look at your finals in my office, but not take them with you.

Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic dishonesty. As I stated in class, I may rescale the three components (homework, midterm, final) separately to arrive at the final grade. Grade breakdown: 4 A+, 12 A, 5 A-, 7 B+, 21 B, 12 B-, 11 C+, 8 C, 12 C-, 5 D+, 2 D, 1 D-.