Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Winter Quarter 2020


Homework III


Friday January 31, 2020, in class (or before).

Problems (MYO is the textbook; 8th edition)

  1. MYO 8.19
  2. MYO 8.24
  3. MYO 8.26 (I would skip the optional part)
  4. MYO 8.31
  5. MYO 8.40
  6. MYO 8.57
  7. MYO 8.63
  8. Write a paragraph about Colebrook, who has a formula named after him. Find some more recent work by Barenblatt and co-authors on flow in pipes. What do these papers claim?


This homework covers Sections 8.2–8.4 of the book.

Section 8.2 revisits fully developed laminar flow. You already saw Poiseuille flow in MAE 101A. This is chance to reproduce the important scaling between pressure drop and diameter. We will also consider the balance of forces on a section of fluid in the pipe and consider the effect of gravity. Developing an understanding how to obtain the flow profile both from a force balance and the Navier-Stokes equation is useful for later. Dimensional analysis can also give the appropriate pressure drop, but not the profile. Finally we will look at the energy balance in this laminar flow.

Turbulent flow is critical to engineering applications. The Reynolds number is greater than 4000 in many situations. As explained in section 8.3, the relation of shear stress to average velocity gradient is no longer one of simple proportionality. Instead, Reynold stress terms contribute. These represent the average effect of products like u'v', which are related to the transport of momentum by eddies. Empirical theories for these terms exist, but they require matching to experiments and can have limited ranges of validity. The structure of turbulent flow in a pipe is more complex than for laminar flow. There is a (thin) viscous sublayer near the wall in which viscosity is important and the velocity is approximately linear. Then there is an overlap region in which the velocity changes logarithmically. This is sometimes called "the law of the wall." Finally, there is an outer region. In a pipe, power-law profiles are used as empirical fits.

We will see later in the course what happens for flow over a body. In that case, the flow is not fully developed and the boundary layer grows downstream. Experiments show that the transition to turbulence happens for larger Re.

Section 8.4 returns to the dimensional analysis of Section 8.2, but for general flow. This leads to a relation between pressure drop, length of pipe over diameter, Reynolds number and (non-dimensional) roughness that depends on the friction factor. The head loss in the energy equation can be related to the friction factor. The Moody chart plots friction factor as a function of Reynolds number and roughness. There are empirical fits to the curves such as the Colebrook formula. The losses caused by flow through a long straight pipe are called major losses. Other losses come e.g. from fittings such as valves, bends, expansions, etc. They are called minor losses and can be parameterized. Finally, non-square ducts can be accommodated by defining a hydraulic radius. These results are combined to relate quantities in applications, in particular length, diameter head loss and flow rate (see Section 8.5). In some situations a nonlinear equation has to be solved. This is less of an issue these days with calculators and computers.

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