Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Winter Quarter 2019


Homework V


Friday February 21, 2019, in class (or before).

Problems (MYO is the textbook; 8th edition)

  1. MYO 9.6
  2. MYO 9.16
  3. MYO 9.38
  4. MYO 9.78
  5. MYO 9.96
  6. MYO 9.104
  7. MYO 9.122
  8. Write a paragraph about lift and drag and the role of fluid mechnics on either automobiles or ships (but not aircraft for a change). Cite your sources.


This homework covers Chapter 9 of the book (more material than usual because there was no homework due last week).

Chapter 9 covers flows past bodies. It starts with a general introduction, in which the overall geometry of these flows and their dependence on Reynolds number, Re, is discussed. For small Re, the influence of viscosity is felt far from the body. For high Re, it is felt in a narrow layer close to the body and in the wake of the body. The force on the body, which is conventionally decomposed into drag along the direction of motion and lift perpendicular to motion, can be obtained by integrating the stress over the body. The tangential stress is directly due to friction and is important along a flat plate for example. However, there is also pressure (or form) drag, which arises from the fact that the pressure in the wake of a body, especially a bluff body, is substantially different from the pressure on its leading side. The result is an imbalance in the integral of pressure, i.e. drag.

Section 9.2 examines boundary layers. It presents the Blasius solution for the boundary layer over a flat plate, corresponding to no pressure gradient along the boundary. This comes from solving an ODE because of the existence of a similarity variable. The form of the variable shows that the boundary layer thickness grows like the square root of the distance along the surface. Approximate solution methods (the momentum integral approach) are then presented. These can be applied to situations in which the boundary layer becomes turbulent or there is a pressure gradient. An adverse pressure gradient (one in which the flow decelerates as it moves past the boundary) leads to separation.

Section 9.3 treats drag. The approach is mostly empirical and based on dimensional analysis. The relevant nondimensional parameter is the drag coefficient, which is presented graphically as a function of Reynolds number for different body shapes.

Section 9.4 on lift is quite similar. However, the important notion of circulation (integral of velocity along a closed curve, mentioned briefly in MAE 101A) is mentioned.

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