Introduction to Mathematical Physics

Spring Quarter 2015


This is the homepage for MAE105 during Spring Quarter 2015. Last updated: June 12, 2015.


Please make sure the e-mail address UCSD has on file for you is correct and read your e-mail. If you do not do this, you may miss crucial information. See UCSD PPM 160-3.

Practical details

Lectures: MWF 10:00 am-10:50 am in PCYNH 122. Fourth hour: W 9:00–10:00 am in PCYNH 122. Office hours: Tu 1-3 pm in EBU II 574. TA: Greg Wagner (, office hours M 11:30 am–1:00 pm in EBU II 305 and F 11:00 am–12:30 pm in EBU II 105.

Required text

The book is Applied partial differential equations with Fourier series and boundary value problems by Richard Habermann. I'm familiar with the fourth edition and haven't tracked down the differences with the fifth edition. It shouldn't matter provided you can work out which lectures correspond to which chapters.

Ted site

Piazza site

2012 website with homeworks, quizzes, etc...

MAE Syllabus

Lecture Schedule (links on dates to slides)


Homework policy: you may discuss problems among yourselves, but you should write up and hand in homework individually. Homework should be handed in during class on Wednesday.


There will be three 50-minute quizzes. You may bring a single hand-written sheet of notes.

Review material

Review of basic mathematics (Murakami).

Review notes (Pak).

Lecture notes (Matusik who TAed F2012).


Monday June 8, 8 am–11 am. You may bring TWO hand-written sheets of notes. Solution.

Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic integrity.  I may rescale the different components (homework, quizzes and final) to arrive at the final grade. A preliminary breakdown is 20% + 30% + 50%. I will replace your cumulative grade by your final grade if the latter is better.  In the previous classes where  I have done this, very few students have benefited from this, so please do not rely on this as a strategy for this class.