Applications of complex analysis

Spring Quarter 2008


This is the homepage for MAE207 Applications of complex analysis during Spring Quarter 2008. Last updated: June 12, 2008.


Many solution techniques in applied mathematics use complex variable techniques, in many cases leading to closed-form but difficult-to-use solutions. The development of computers in the last 50 years has led to brute-force approaches to many of these problems. However modern computer software for symbolic and technical computing like Maple and Matlab can also be used to evaluate and generalize the analytical solutions. In this class, I will cover some of these approaches using actual examples and as much of the underlying theory as needed.


Complex variable, linear algebra. Numerical analysis would be helpful but may not be absolutely necessary.

Computer resources

Access to matlab is crucial. If required we will use the MAE computer laboratories.


30% Handing in one completed written-up exercise every Tuesday.
20% Sending me a discussion of the lecture notes, chapter by chapter.
50% Final project: to be developed  in collaboration with me, applying some of these techniques.

Tentative syllabus (out of date)

    Introduction and review of compl ex numbers
    Finding zeros
    Branch cuts
    ODEs in the complex plane
    Fourier transforms
    Calculus of residues
    Laplace transforms
    Inversion of Laplace transforms   
    Method of steepest-descents
    Cagniard-de Hoop method
    Laplace's equation
    Conformal maps
    Elliptic functions
    Chebyshev expansions   
    Orthogonal polynomials
    Wiener-Hopf method
    Matrix factorizations

Useful books (updated in notes)

Ablowitz & Fokas                Complex variables
Carrier, Krook & Pearson    Functions of a complex variable : theory and technique
Henrici                                Applied and computational complex analysis
Trefethen                            Spectral methods in Matlab

Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic integrity. I may rescale the components to arrive at the final grade.

Lectures notes (book format, slide format)

All the program files (*.m and *.f) and graphical output( *.eps and *.pdf) are available on this site, but are not linked directly.