Vortex dynamics

Spring Quarter 2009


This is the homepage for MAE207 Vortex dynamics during Spring Quarter 2008. Last updated: May 5, 2009.



Vortices are commonly observed aspect in many fluid flows, particularly at high Reynolds numbers. Their structure and evolution are crucial to problems in aerodynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics and other areas. This class will cover vortex dynamics, starting from basics and moving on to topics such as point vortices, vortex rings, vortex filaments, vortex patches and other things vortical.


Fluid mechanics (MAE101A/B or MAE210A/B), ODEs and some PDEs (e.g. MAE105). Experience with Matlab (e.g. MAE107) will be very useful. Graduate level classes are not required, but I shall be progressing at a pace appropriate for a graduate class.

Computer resources

Access to matlab is crucial for the final project. Access to LaTeX is needed for the notes.


10% Writing up lecture notes in LaTeX. Style files will be provided.
20% Review of 1 landmark paper (3-4 pages, including some historical context).
80% Matlab project (including 20% for documentation).

Tentative syllabus (we may not get to the end)

    Introduction (pictures: filaments, fish, Rutgers, Cassini, ring/wall, bubble ring, zero toys, colliding rings, more bubble rings, dolphins playing, Gerris). Vector calculus.
    The vorticity equation
    Kelvin's theorem and flow invariants
    Kelvin modes
    Point vortices
    The Kirchhoff and Kida vortices
    Vortex sheets
    Contour dynamics
    Vortex rings
    Crow and elliptical instabilities
    Potential vorticity and GFD
    Compressibility effects

Assignment for 04/09/2009

Watch the two movies on vorticity at the NCFMF website (you will need RealPlayer).

Lectures notes

You will be writing these in LaTeX. I will post them as they are written. You will need the class file classnotes.cls, the style file pdffig.sty (which is actually probably redundant but never mind), the main file notes.tex and an auxiliary file content.tex. Each lecture then is a single LaTeX source file. See the first two chapters c1example.tex and c2example.tex as examples. This exampls also uses a number of .m and .pdf files: f21.pdf, f22.pdf, f23.pdf, p21.m, p22.m, p23.m. For a primer on LaTeX, see here and here.

Paper review

I have chosen 21 papers. You should agree amongst yourselves which paper you will each review. I just want one review per student on Tuesday May 19. I am giving only authors and dates. You will need to get hold of the paper yourselves (if you have questions on how to do this, ask me). You should also check you have the correct title (some authors have several papers in one year). I have divided the papers up into groups.

Basics: Tait (1867) - this is a translation of Helmholtz (1858) Po-Ting; Moffatt (1969) Silvana.
Point vortices: Routh (1881); Thomson (1883) Ingeborg; Lin (1941) Morten; Onsager (1949); Rott (1956) Emile.
Vortex patches: Zabusky et al. (1979); Kida (1981).
Vortex sheets: Moore (1979).
Vortex column: Kelvin (1880); Crow (1970) Warren; Moore  & Saffman (1975) Kristoffer; Tsai & Widnall (1976).
Vortex filaments/3D structures: Hill (1894); Hasimoto (1972); Norbury (1973).
Instability: Rayleigh (1880) Jaemo; Bayly (1986); Pierrehumbert (1986).
Turbulence models: Lundgren (1982) Eric.

Imagine you are writing a report for an editor with an undergraduate background in fluid mechanics but who does not know about vorticity. What does the paper do that is new? Explain some of the key results (this usually means going through the algebra) and applications. Your report should be 3-4 pages long in pdf. Use the template rep_template.tex and the class style proposalnsf.cls.

For some more ideas about how to write a review, see here, and here. Note that a fair amount of the issues discussed are about experiments, which are not the focus of the papers above. Some idea of the historical evolution of vortex dynamics may be useful. Wikipedia has an entry here. The Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics has one or more historical articles per volume, some on vortex dynamics. There are few good histories of fluid mechanics. I have placed the interesting book by Darrigol on reserve.

Matlab project

The goal is to produce a stand-alone Matlab suite of programs that illustrate models and concepts in vortex dynamics that are used in thic class. The program should be called up via a single command. This should give a GUI like that say of demo or pdetool with a number of different topics to investigate.

You will be working together to produce this software. You should divide up into groups, each concentrating on certain aspects of the project. The following students are taking the class for credit: Abrahamsen, Arobone, Chan, Chen, Christofferson, Kuon, Lien, Park, Saitori, Sandøy, Suehiro. The following are auditing but come to class regularly: de Stadler, Elfring, Pak, Peng. I encourage them to act as testers and consultants.

How you do this is up to you, but here is a possible list of tasks (you could have fewer or more):
  1. GUI design.
  2. Documentation.
  3. Pedagogical examples (e.g. illustration of what vorticity is, some very simple pictures/flows)
  4. Point vortices
  5. Vortex patches
  6. Vortex filaments
  7. Vortex rings
  8. 2D turbulence
  9. Testing
Grading: you should as a team come up with categories that I grade. These should minimally include the contents of the list above. Note that documentation will count for 25% of the grade at least.

For each topic, you should provide an implementation of the problem, i.e. solve the equations of motion for point vortices and plot the trajectories. The user should be able to provide input data, and there should also be demonstration cases which are particularly interesting. You could consider other topics for vortex dynamics, so feel free to look at books and papers. However Matlab is not the language of choice for 3D CFD and seeing gigabytes of output is not very pedagogical, so you will probably want to limit yourselves to situations descrbied by ODEs.

You should all come and see me later this week to talk about the specific problems, and probably frequently thereafter. There are references and examples on the internet, use them. Whatever you code up should be your own.


Saffman and a number of other books have been placed on reserve at the S&E library (need to be on UCSD campus or to be using a Proxy server/VPN for the link to work).

Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic integrity. I may rescale the components to arrive at the final grade.