
Haptic Decision-Making for Cyber-Physical Systems

Human beings are well-known to use the massively parallel structure of the brain to perform excellent pattern recognition and classification. However, most of the infrastructure signals are not compatible to human’s tactile/audio perceptions, and the feasibility of encoding measurements from cyber-physical systems into touchable/audible signals in an optimally constructive way is investigated. The established haptic framework supports human training and classification of infrastructure conditions. The vibro-haptic human-machine interface demonstrated below is designed by collaborator, Dr David Mascarenas at Los Alamos National Lab.

Besides the tactile haptics, melodic and chordal encodings of the guided wave scattering are adopted for infrastructures' nondestructive ultrasonic evaluation. The haptic decision-making may be extended to proprioceptive sense to cyber-physical and virtual systems for the future intelligent infrastructure systems and smart city.