San Diego Heptane Reactions Revision 2015/03/01 Revision 2022/07/01 Reactions C4H8<=>C3H5+CH3 and C4H8+H<=>H2+C2H3+C2H4 have been removed from Heptane mechanism to avoid redundancy with the Main Hydrocarbon Mechanism which includes these reactions now. New reactions and new rates have been introduced based on the latest work by J. C. Prince and F.A. Williams as per J. C. Prince, F. A. Wlliams, G. E. Ovando, "A short mechanism for the low-temperature ignition of n-heptane at high pressures", Fuel, 2014; and Prince JC, Williams FA, "Revised short mechanism for the low-temperature ignition of n-heptane for a wider pressure range", Fuel, 2015. All reactions are considered reversible. The heptane chemistry is presented here separately from the main mechanism. To include these reactions into the computations, one must add them to the main mechanism file.