My research focuses on applying the principles of biological systems towards the design and control of mobile robots. I am passionate about mechanical design and system dynamics, and I enjoy working at the intersection of these areas with biological locomotion research. The current research in my lab is focused on three core areas: 1) development of novel fabrication methods for bio-inspired mobile robots at small and large scales, 2) translating principles of biological legged locomotion to legged robot design and control, 3) development of bio-inspired energy efficient flapping wing robots.

For more information about my current research please visit http://gravishlab.ucsd.edu
- Postdoctoral scholar at Harvard University (2013 - 2016)
- School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
- Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- Advisers: Robert J. Wood and Stacey A. Combes
- Ph.D. in Physics at Georgia Tech School of Physics (2008 - 2013)
- Thesis: Collective dynamics of active and passive granular media
- Minor: Mechanics of materials
- Adviser: Daniel I. Goldman
- B.S. in Physics at University of California, Santa Barbara (2001 - 2005)
- Undergraduate Research Honors, 2004 & 2005