Methods in Applied Mechanics

Winter Quarter 2020


This is the homepage for MAE29B/SIOC203B during Winter Quarter 2020 Last updated: March 23, 2020.

Practical details

Lectures: TuTh 11:00 am–12:20 pm in Nierenberg Hall 101. My e-mail address is, but if you have a question, talk to me before or after class, or come to see me. Office hours: I will aim to be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Keck 365 (SIO); you can make an appointment to meet me. It is your responsibility to come and find me if you have questions, concerns, etc.  Problem class Tu 1–2 pm in Keck; W 1–2 pm in EBU II 270.

Textbook and Resources

See practical details. I have placed the books by Bender & Orszag, Olver, Hinch, and Johnson on reserve at the library.


  1. Phase plane analysis
  2. Local analysis: ISPs
  3. Perturbation theory
  4. Method of Multiple Scales
  5. Matched Asymptotic Expansions
  6. WKB
  7. Asymptotic Expansion of integrals

Lecture Schedule (provisional)


Homework policy: you may discuss problems among yourselves, but everything you write and hand in should be your own work. Regrades: you should write a short explanation and turn it in to me within one week of the homework being due.


Feb 13, 80 minutes in class. Solution.

Suggestions about homework and the like (from 2005)



The exam time remains Thursday 11:30 am–2:29 pm.

I will send the exam to you by email 5 to 10 minutes before 11:30 am.

I will have a zoom session open during that time interval (I already sent out the invitation). You don't have to be on it, but that way you can hear questions, answers or read them on chat. You don't have to have your video on.

You will sign an integrity statement on the exam, saying you worked on your own using the allowed resources. This is an open noteexam: you can use your notes, homeworks, and so on. No extra information from the internet or books.

I will give you 15 minutes from 2:30 to 2:45 either (a) to photograph or scan your exam and send it to me, or (b) to bring it to my office in Keck 365. Note that Dropbox does quite a job of scanning paper using your phone camera.

If you like, you can also hand in the exam physically to me, either on Thursday in Keck or on Friday in  EBU II 574 by 3 pm on Friday. (That would suit me and avoid using more paper, but is optional.)


Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic integrity. I may rescale the three components (homework, midterm and final) separately to arrive at the final grade. See practical details.