Kalyanasundaram SeshadriProfessor of Chemical Engineering and Fluid MechanicsEmail: seshadri@ucsd.edu |
Professor Seshadri received his BE degree from Coimbatore Institute of Technology (India) in 1970, his MS degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1973, and his PhD degree from the University of California, San Diego in 1977. After completing his PhD he was a postdoctoral research staff member at Yale University, member of the technical staff at TRW, and assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Southern California. He joined the UCSD faculty in 1982.
Experimental and analytical studies on combustion.
TREES, D., SESHADRI, K., HAMINS, A. 1995 "Experimental Studies of Diffusion Flame Extinction with Halogenated Fire Suppressants," Chapter 17 in Halon Replacements: Technology and Science (A.W. Miziolek and W. Tsang, Eds.) ACS Symposium Series 611, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C. 190-203.
GRUDNO, A. & SESHADRI, K. 1996 Characteristic residence times of laminar nonpremixed flames at extinction. Combustion Science and Technology 112, 199-201.
SESHADRI, K., BOLLIG, M., PETERS, N. 1997 Numerical and asymptotic studies of the structure of stoichiometric and lean premixed heptane flames. To appear in Combustion and Flame, 1997.
SESHADRI, K. 1997 "Multistep Asymptotic Analyses of Flame Structures," Invited Topical Review, to appear in the proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1997.
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