U. Niemann, K. Seshadri, F.A. Williams; Effect of Addition of a Nonequidiffusional Reactant to an Equidiffusional Diffusion Flame; Combustion Theory and Modelling, (in press) Link
U. Niemann, K. Seshadri, F.A. Williams; Experimental Study of CH4, C2H4 and C2H6 Counterflow Diffusion Flames at Elevated Pressures up to 2.0MPa; Combustion and Flame. (to be submitted)
U. Niemann, K. Seshadri, F.A. Williams; Effect of Pressure on Structure and Extinction of Near-Limit Hydrogen Counterflow Diffusion Flames; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 881-886 Link
S.M. Sarathy, U. Niemann, C. Yeung et al; A counterflow diffusion flame study of lightly branched octane isomers; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1015-1023
R. Grana, K. Seshadri, A. Cuoci, U. Niemann, T. Faravelli; Kinetic modeling of extinction and autoignition of condensed hydrocarbon fuels in non-premixed flows with comparison to experiment; Combustion and Flame. 159 (2012) 130–141
R. Seiser, K. Seshadri, U. Niemann, R.J. Cattolica; Combustion of Mixtures of Producer Gas and Methane in Nonpremixed Flows; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (under review)
S.M. Sarathy, C.K. Westbrook, U.Niemann et al.; Comprehensive chemical kinetic modeling of the oxidation of 2-methylalkanes from C7 to C20; Combustion and Flame. (2011)
K. Seshadri, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, U. Niemann, P. Weydert, et al.; Experimental and kinetic modeling study of combustion of JP-8, its surrogates and components in laminar premixed flows; Combustion Theory and Modelling. (2011) 1-15
U. Niemann, R. Seiser, K. Seshadri; Ignition and extinction of low molecular weight esters in nonpremixed flows; Combustion Theory and Modelling. 14 (2010) 875-891 Link
R. Grana, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, U. Niemann, E. Ranzi, R. Seiser, et al.; An experimental and kinetic modeling study of combustion of isomers of butanol; Combustion and Flame. 157 (2010) 17 Link
R. Seiser, U. Niemann, K. Seshadri; Experimental study of combustion of n-decane and JP-10 in nonpremixed flows; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2010)
A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, U. Niemann, E. Ranzi, R. Seiser, K. Seshadri; An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propanol and iso-propanol combustion; Combustion and Flame, Volume 157, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 2-16 Link
S. Honnet, K. Seshadri, U. Niemann, N. Peters; A Surrogate Fuel for Kerosene; Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, 2008
K. Seshadri, T. Lu, O. Herbinet, S. Humer, U. Niemann, W.J. Pitz, C. K. Law; Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Extinction and Ignition of Methyl Decanoate in Laminar Nonpremixed Flows; Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, 2008
T. Bieleveld, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, U. Niemann, et al.; Experimental and kinetic modeling study of combustion of gasoline, its surrogates and components in laminar non-premixed flows; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 32 (2009) 493-500