ECE 157B: Course OutlineUCSD, Dinesh Bharadia, Spring Quarter 2019
LEC 1: Course IntroductionIntroduction of wireless sensing LEC 2: Breathing and heart-rate requirementsModeling of breathing and heart-rate with wireless signals LEC 3: Breathing and heart-rate requirementsRange and resolution - Signal Processing LEC 4: Breathing and heart-rate requirementsMultiple wavelength - Breathing and heart-rate LEC 5: Breathing and heart-rate requirementsScaling up to multiple wavelengths LEC 6: Multi-toneSchedule of multi-tone and implication on sensing and concurrent sensing LEC 7: FMCWFMCW short periods of each tone of the multi-tone LEC 8: FMCWFMCW Range and Resolution LEC 9: FMCWFMCW breathing and heart rate LEC 10: FMCWHeart Rate recovery with phase LEC 11: FMCW Static multipath suppressionLEC 12: FMCW: Towards dynamic multipath suppressionLEC 13: FMCW: Velocity model based Dynamic Multi-path suppressionLEC 14: FMCW velocity model continued + Midterm reviewLEC 15: Introduction to space transformLEC 16: Range and Resolution in AoALEC 17: All in one – Delay Doppler and AoALEC 18: Transmit Antenna based AoALEC 19: AOA and AODLEC 20: Velocity and AOA and AOD |