ECE 257B: Course Information

UCSD, Dinesh Bharadia, Winter Quarter 2024

We will be using a class Piazza forum to conduct all discussions about course materials, answer questions about homework and post announcements outside of the scheduled lectures and office hours. Please sign up at Code: Shannon.


Venue: Lecture: Mon/Wed 5:00-6:20pm at Centre Hall Room no. 218. Zoom


This year, we are planning to have a flipped class format where the students are required to watch the pre-recorded video prior to the real-time lecture. This allows the student to understand the concepts better and use the real-time lecture to clarify the doubts.
There will be a reading quiz posted before every lecture. Each student should subscribe for a lecture to scribe. The deadline for the scribe is one week after the lecture is held.

Office hours and review sessions

Office hours are intended to be a time for discussion about class projects.
Office hours: See Contact page for office hours times and locations

Course Requirements

Homework: There will be approximately 3 homework sets.

Project-proposal submission (3rd Friday): Jan 26th at 11:59PM

Mid-quarter project presentation and report: Date TBA, time TBA

Final project presentation and report: Date TBA, time TBA

Final: Date TBA, time TBA

Grading guideline: 40% Homework, 20% Final (only replaces HW1), 5% Lecture Scribe, 5% Class participation and Reading Quiz, 50% Research Project
Project grading guideline: 5% Project Proposal, 15% Mid-quarter presentation and report, 30% Final Project presentation and report

Course Prerequisites

Linear algebra, Fourier transforms and DSP1.
Undergraduate Wireless Communications and/or ECE 257A.
Matlab Programming. (Important for Assignments and Project)