Fluid Mechanics I

Winter Quarter 2018


This is the homepage for MAE210A/CENG210A during Winter Quarter 2018. Last updated: March 21, 2018.


Lectures: MWF 11-11:50 am in PCYNH 120. My e-mail address is sgls@ucsd.edu, but if you have a question, talk to me before or after class, or come to office hours. Office hours (MAE210A/CENG210A and MAE294B/SIOC203B): I will aim to be available MTuThF 9–10 am, probably MF in EBU II 574, TuTh in Keck 365 (SIO). It is your responsibility to come and find me if you have questions, concerns, etc... TA: Yue (Cynthia) Wu (yuw099@eng.ucsd.edu). Office hours: W 2–3 pm in EBU II 378. Problem classes: W 1–2 pm in EBU II 270 and Th 9–10 am in EBU II 370.

Semi-required text

The book for the class is Fluid Mechanics (3rd edition) by Kundu and Cohen, Elsevier Academic Press (on reserve at library). Other books you might find useful:

Syllabus (some times out of date; see above)

  1. Introduction
  2. Vector analysis and tensors
  3. Fluid kinematics
  4. Conservation laws
  5. Bernoulli's theorem
  6. Irrotational flow
  7. Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
  8. Dimensional analysis

Lecture Schedule (provisional)


Homework policy: you may discuss problems amongst yourselves, but everything you write and hand in should be your own work.


February 12. 50 minutes in class, closed book, one sheet of notes, no calculator. Solution.


The final will be on Monday March 19th from 11:30 am-2:30 pm. A make-up exam will only be provided for medical reasons with proper documentation from a physician. The final will cover the material lectured during the course and the material assigned as reading. It will be open-note. Solution.

Grading policy

I remind you of UCSD's policy on academic integrity. I may rescale the three components (homework, midterm and final) separately to arrive at the final grade.